Information for Parents

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Your primary role as a parent or guardian would be to encourage students and provide support. Additionally, as a parent or guardina you would be typically involved with the financial aid process. However, the majority of the application process is the responsibility of the student.

You should discuss with your student before the student talks to their counselor. The following are issues you should consider and go over in your discussion: 

  • The Cost: how much money per/year (in Euro of USD) is the family willing and able to invest in this process
  • The Location: East Coast, West Coast, North or South, near a city center, near relatives, close to an international airport, etc) 
  • The Learning Environment: How indendent or prepared is the student to face the challenges at each type of school? If they need a lot of support they should primerily be considering  Liberal Arts and Sciences Schools that focus on undergradute students only.

We believe that it is important for parents to be involved in the college application process, and we welcome parents into our office to learn more about the process. Feel free to call or set up a meeting with Ms. Kotsi if you have any questions.

Here is an overview of the college counseling process, in Greek.