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A major is a concentration that gives a student a basic knowledge of a field of study. For example, biology, business, computer science, engineering, international relations, languages, mathematics, philosophy, etc.  Most U.S. insitutions offer between 50 and 100 majors to choose from.

An undergraduate degree in an American university is extremely flexible – and student-friendly. Students are NOT required to know what they want to major in before entering college, and their decision can be made well into their college career. (One must usually declare a major in their second year). Once a student has declared a major, he/she is typically required to take general courses as well as a specific number of classes in his/her major.

Advisors in colleges and universities are available for major exploration and guidance. Tools such as the College Board Major and Career Search can be helpful in determing potential majors. Anatolia also provides the opportunity for students to take the Ariston Test, a psychometric test which investigates a student’s career orientation. The Ariston Test determines career skills that are compatible with candidates’ personality and interests and takes into account 2,000 careers in the Greek and European labor market.