Student Personal Profile
Before you plan your application, you need to think who you are. Complete the document and bring it with you the first time you meet with your college counselor. To download the document click here.
What you need for your Undergraduate Application
For a complete list of required documents for your undergraduate application click on the link.
Monthly Planning Calenders for High School Students
These calenders will keep you on track on what you need to do:
- 10th grade
- 11th grade
- 12th grade
- fast track calender for 12th grade (without SAT or ACT)
Taking the TOEFL
All students are required to take the TOEFL exam to apply to the U.S. in order to demonstrate their level of English. We encourage students to take the exam immediately after returning from the States for a summer program or in the early fall of senior year. Do not wait to take the TOEFL - schools require the scores by the application deadline! For free online preparation, click here.
Preparing your CV
For some tips on writing your CV, click here. To download a sample format, click here.
Essay Writing
Useful tips and guidelines can be found on these 3 documents.
1st Step-by-Step Essay Writing
2nd Guidelines for Essay Writing
3rd Personal Statement Brainstorm Worksheet
What to Look for in a College
You can identify important factors in choosing a college with our worksheet
Attend College Presentations
Throughout the academic year many college admissions officers visit the Anatolia campus to talk to interested students. Before you attend the college presentation, you should research the college. Use the College Information Sheet to help you develop a better understanding of the college/university. Bring the College Information Sheet with you to the presentation. To download the document click here.
College Evaluation Chart
Once you have gathered a lot of information from your reading, conversations, and
campus visits, this college evaluation chart should help you put it in perspective. To download the document click here.
Standardized Tests
Some students will choose to take either the SAT or the ACT. This decision will be made with Ms. Kanellis. In order to prepare for the tests, read through this information sheet with links to online preparation sites.
Prepare for your Interview
Tips for preparing for a college interview